
10cc of Pan Cyan MIB spores, complete with needle and alcohol wipe to get your microscope nice and clean!

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Pan Cyan MIB Spores!

Comes with 10cc of Pan Cyan MIB spores, an 18g needle to get your spores onto the slides, and an alcohol wipe so you can ensure that your microscope is super clean.

So, Pan Cyan MIB, “what’s that all about?”, I imagine you asking. Fortunately for both of us, I make sure I know what I sell, so here’s the lowdown on what this is: It’s a phenotype of Panaeolus Cyanescens (that’s what the “Pan Cyan” bit is short for). So, in the same way that all the Psilocybe Cubensis spores I sell have different names because whoever created it gets to name it (in theory, anyway), the amazing team at Magic Myco crossed three different types of Pan Cyan (phenotypes PHV, BVI, and Nec’D, if you’re a mycology nerd) and this was the result. Excellent stuff. I’ve seen pictures of them growing, and they present quite typically for Pan Cyans – tall, like Ian Krankie, but with small caps, like Wee Jimmy Krankie. I bet you didn’t think that you’d see a Jimmy Krankie reference in this day and age but I still have the odd flashback where I remember that they were married, she was his wife, they dressed her up like a little schoolboy and somehow that was not only acceptable behaviour but got them multiple TV shows. Man, 1980’s Britain was weird as fuck.

Out in nature, Pan Cyans are pretty common. They like a bit of the ol’ shit to grow on, but other than that you can find them in quite a few countries with very different climates – they’re present in England, Australia, America, South America, Japan and a whole load of other countries. Just to make things slightly more confusing, there is another species called Psilocybe Cyanescens, and they like wood, not shit.

So anyway, the Magic Myco team called this particular phenotype MIB (Men In Black), because from what I have seen the fruits tend to look quite dark and I suppose you don’t wanna start naming it anything like “Dark Souls” or you’d just freak people out. Men In Black is a nice, family friendly mycology name, and I much prefer that sort of thing to the edgelord naming scheme of “Jedi Mind Fuck” which reminds me of when a twelve-year-old realises they can say swears and then they completely overdo it. I’ve written about Magic Myco before over on the Tidal Wave Spore Swab page, so I’m not gonna bang on about them again too much but they are cool and I love their work!

Ideally, keep these Pan Cyan MIB spores refrigerated, where they will happily last a couple of years. Magic mushroom spores are tough like that – don’t let them freeze though! Failing that, you can keep them in a nice dark cupboard where they’ll be just fine for at least six months. They’re pretty simple to store. You can even use them multiple times, just replace the needle cap back on (don’t remove the needle as that’s one more chance for contaminants to get in there), and the next time you go to use them, heat the needle up with a lighter until it glows red. Simple! You could even put them back into the supplied bag if that’s your jam.

These Pan Cyan MIB spore syringes has been produced in the UK using a flowhood in order to make sure that what you see under the microscope is exactly what’s supposed to be there and nothing else – just premium Pan Cyan MIB spores!